2Faced Review: Love Alpha 3D Fiber Mascara

I’ve always been a fan of falsies and heavy mascara. I must say it just adds to the drama of the eye and creates a sexy, alluring look. But there’s so may chances to go wrong with them. Applying the proper amount of glue. Cutting the right length. Fitting them close to the lash line. Sleeping on them correctly to prevent damage or removal. Plus, I’m human and I do make mistakes.

So there came a point when I said “There must be a better way!” I researched different methods, but couldn’t find a mascara that would do the job. And lash extensions just seemed too expensive for my cheap pockets. Well, I came across a product called  Love Alpha 3D Fiber Mascara that promised to give you the same look as falsies. I took a risk and ordered a set for only $7.99. Cheap right?

Well I was amazed. It’s an easy application that requires two wands. One with natural fibers and the other with the transplanting gel that works just like mascara. All you do is swipe on some gel then brush on fibers to build up the length of your own lashes. You can continue to apply layers but I suggest 2 or 3 maximum to prevent a clumping effect.

With this look you get volume and length that looks just like falsies with no visible lash line.


Cute cheetah labeling makes it easy to find in your makeup kit

No visible lash line gives a natural appearance

Full volume and length

Cheap and inexpensive to purchase


Small fibers may collect under the eye so may need to check for fall out during the day.

Excessive application may lead to clumping and a “spider” effect

Need to apply daily for maximum coverage and length

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