Special Mannequins Made to Create Positive Messages

BLOG CREDIT: Quintavious Wallace

Good always exists in the world, sometimes is some ways that you would never think to expect. Last April, one particular group got together and expressed love in one interesting way, composing mannequins.

TODAY, of NBC fame, hosted an event during this time known as “Love Your Selfie”. In addition to the may events that took place, the highlight was their second day, when five mannequins were made to represent five separate different people in the environment.

Mannequins were the exact replica to those who were challenged by society. Some examples include one in a wheelchair, another that resembled a man diagnosed with dwarfism, and one more that was the image of a US soldier who lost both of his legs in battle.

The major point of the entire event is to remind people that beauty is all around, and each and every one can possess it in their own unique way.

Fusion Speciality, a company based in Colorado, is the sole creators of the mannequins. And the people whom they were based upon were more than pleased with the final results.

Ricardo Gil, diagnosed with dwarfism, was overjoyed with his mannequin, even going as far as breaking down the concept behind all of those presented: “And some of us are missing limbs. Some of us use wheelchairs, some of us are quite short, some of us are quite tall, some of us are larger. We are not just conforming to the stereotypical body type.”

For more information, check out the article on NBC News

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